We’re sure you’ve witnessed a serious spamming of the 2020 beauty buzzwords “iso skin” and “maskne” on your socials. We’ve spoken about these issues before (check out our previous blog, What is iso skin and how you can fix it) so today we’d like to speak about another form of “iso skin,” that quite frankly is getting out of hand! (pun intended!)
Yesssss, we are talking about the HANDS! Never in our lives have we been so pragmatic about washing and sanitising. However, there may be one critical, small step you’re missing in your hand care routine - a nourishing layer of cream!
It’s close to 6 months since we’ve upped our hand washing game due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Ironically, this excess washing causes dry, cracked, irritated hands, which in turn gives bacteria easy access into our bodies. If you suffer from skin conditions such as eczema and contact dermatitis you’ve probably noticed a flare up. You see, soap suds and hand sanitisers do not discriminate against good and bad bacteria - they wipe out EVERYTHING! And we need our natural oils to protect our skin, act as a shield against the outside world and maintain our moisture levels within.
Have the upper hand when it comes to the fight against cracked skin with these 3 tips:
- Avoid using products that contain fragrance as these can be irritating to cracked, sensitive skin. We LOVE Pure Fiji Hand Cream because there’s no nasty ingredients or fragrances. The delicious scent that screams TROPICAL HOLIDAY comes from a combination of fresh coconut milk and nourishing organic oils. Packed with antioxidants, vitamins and essential fatty acids, this cream locks in moisture for silky smooth hands and hydrated nails. Get yours here!
- Be extra mindful wearing gloves around the home when cleaning. You may have gotten away with a sneaky gloveless dishwash session in the past but with this extra washing/sanitising your hands will not be impressed.
- Always have your hand cream within arm’s reach! Just like the problem of not drinking enough water, the key to hydration is to keep your hand cream on you at all times. It should be making appearances in your car, handbag, work desk and bed-side table. Picture below: A typical day working from home with my iso BFFL, Pure Fiji Hand Cream.